
Without nail polish

My nails look awful since I've had polish on them for such a long time. I think I need to have a month's break from nail polishing. Whenever I wear polish for about two months straight, my nails become weak and their surface gets uneven. My index and middle finger look red even though I used two coats of base polish! Next time I'll need to remember to put three coats of base polish under Miss Selene 226...

Kynnet on aivan karmees kunnos! Täytyy varmaan pitää kuukauden breikki lakkailusta :( Aina, kun käytän lakkaa pari kuukautta putkeen niin ne menee tollasiks repaleisiks ja kynnen pinta muuttuu epätasaseks. Punaiset kynnet thanks to Miss Selene 226... Laitoin jopa 2 kerrosta aluslakkaa, mut silti noi värjäyty! 

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